Today we find out for sure if our house offer was accepted, and it’s going to be quite a nice watershed moment as I feel reasonably positive about either outcome. If yes – great, we will be in a new home by Christmas; if no; great, we can do a proper job of it in the spring.
It’s the first full week of September and I have mentally moved into autumn and back into production mode on the professional front. We have had a real break at work this summer – usually we work through and there’s no particular holiday season, but this year around June, the clients started saying they have projects coming up but they don’t want to start until ‘after everyone is back’.
We think it’s a one-off Covid hangover thing, where more people feel like they deserve a real holiday this year, and may not repeat itself next summer. In any case it’s been nice to have an admin break to deal with all the things on the back burner.

Obviously I’m pleased about the commencement of cooler weather, too; mine is not a hot-climate species. I spent last night fixing some mistakes I’d made in a cardigan project and now I’m excited to finish it so I have it to hand when it gets nippy in the house.
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