My list of worries about Finland had both dwindled and grown. We’ve put some more of the big rocks in place – movers are now booked and we have an electricity contract in place, both expected to be extremely helpful for starting a new life in Finland – so now smaller rocks are popping up.
I started reading the new Robert Galbraith (The Running Grave), giving up on the third part of the Jay Qasim series from Khurrum Rahman quite early. It’s a series that started out funny and grew into funny and suspenseful, but the third part starts out unbearably sad with a key character in a deep hole. I can’t really see him climbing out of in any way that would result in a ‘funny and x‘ part 3 to the series.
But Galbraith has never yet disappointed and I’m loving the cult theme. I recently listened to the podcast about the Lighthouse cult, A Very British Cult, and I half suspect J. K. Rowling has heard it too.
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